Avoma AI automatically scores each sales call
AI-generated notes

Automate note-taking to reclaim your time

Stop wasting time summarizing and organizing notes on a notepad after the meeting. Focus on each conversation and get 15 extra minutes back with AI writing your notes for you.
Smart categories

Capture everything discussed so nothing gets missed

Don’t risk forgetting critical info and having to dig through scattered notes and transcripts. Stay on top of action items and follow-ups with AI notes, organized by custom topics like pain points, budget, and competitors.
Avoma's AI Scorecard showing if topics were addressed or missed
Dashboard from Avoma's Auto Scoring by AI to show sales and customer success progress across all conversations
CRM auto sync

Let AI automatically fill out your CRM and skip the headache

Manual CRM data entry is a tedious time suck. Save valuable time and keep your CRM up to date by auto-syncing your data. AI auto detects topics discussed and fills in CRM properties for you.

Augmented notes

Augment your meeting notes the way you want alongside AI

Quit spending precious time manually copying notes into a document for editing and sharing. Capture the action items and data you care about with live bookmarking and our note editor, while AI handles the rest.
Dashboard showing key topics by sales rep across all calls like addressing pain points or scheduling follow-up meeting
Dashboard from Avoma's Auto Scoring by AI to show sales and customer success progress across all conversations
Slack integration

Share meeting notes via Slack to effortlessly keep teams informed

Stop letting teams work with biased and incomplete data because you’re not sharing enough insights. Easily share notes to keep everyone informed about what buyers are saying with one click to Slack.

Integrate with your favorite tools.





Avoma integrates with your favorite tools


Trusted by more than 700 high-growth organizations

Make the most out of every meeting.

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