Focus on the conversation and still don't miss out on the details. Avoma's AI takes human-like detailed notes for you. Save more than 10 minutes per meeting otherwise lost in manual note-taking.
Meeting Insights
For every meeting. Every function. Every use case.
With more accurate transcripts and notes than ever before, Avoma 3.0 recognizes a lot more topics from your conversations, from more types of meetings, and use cases.
Multi-language Transcription
Transcribing your conversations, in 20+ languages.
With transcription support for 20+ languages, all your conversations are a searchable knowledge base, in the language you’re most comfortable in.
Meeting Scheduler
Many meeting types. One free Scheduler.
Schedule 1:1 meetings, meetings with a group of people, or automate round-robin routing with just a few clicks. Reduce no-shows with automated reminders and rescheduling.
Scorecards & Coaching
Hello, objective Scorecards for coaching. Goodbye, subjective opinions.
Coach your teams and improve the desired outcomes across all meetings by establishing quality criteria for different types of conversations and objectively scoring those conversations.
Revenue Intelligence
Enterprise-grade Revenue Intelligence for SMB and Mid-market.
Conversation intelligence, coaching, and managing deal risks shouldn't be limited to enterprise companies. If you’re in the revenue team of an SMB or Mid-market organization, we got you covered with pipeline management, CRM field level updates, proactive deal health alerts, and more.
Slack Alerts
Slack Alerts. In the moment. For every key moment.
No more notifications getting buried in your email inbox. Get real-time alerts on your Slack channel for the key terms/phrases mentioned on your calls and meetings such as competitors, specific objections, and more.